The critically acclaimed sequel to the well-known Hasbro board game The Game of Life is called The Game of Life 2. The Best Digital Board Game of the 2021 Handheld Gamer Awards. No internet? It's no trouble! For a no-wifi experience, participants pass a single device back and forth.
Your manner of play?
Since this is your own gaming life, you can play it anyway you choose!
The Game of Life 2 is a sequel to the classic board game of the same name, developed by Marmalade Game Studio for Android, iOS, and Nintendo Switch. This new version of the game features updated gameplay, graphics, and game modes, while still retaining the same lighthearted tone and fun gameplay that made the original game a classic.
In The Game of Life 2, players embark on a journey from the start of adulthood to retirement, making choices about career, family, and personal goals along the way. The game offers a variety of paths to take, including different careers, spouses, and living situations, ensuring that each playthrough is unique and full of surprises.
The updated version of the game introduces several new features and game modes, including a single-player mode with unique challenges, a multiplayer mode that allows up to four players to play together online or locally, and a customization feature that lets players customize their own board and game settings to their liking.