Tamashi: Rise of Yokai is an action-packed role-playing game that immerses players in a world of mythical creatures, warriors, and dark forces inspired by Japanese folklore. Players step into the shoes of a powerful hero tasked with facing off against malevolent Yokai, supernatural beings drawn from traditional Japanese mythology. Set in an enchanting yet perilous world, Tamashi: Rise of Yokai features thrilling combat, exploration, and strategy as you navigate ancient lands, face off against terrifying Yokai, and uncover the hidden secrets of a war-torn realm.
With a mix of turn-based and real-time combat mechanics, players can build their character, unlock powerful abilities, and recruit allies to aid them in their quest to restore balance. As the story unfolds, players will encounter a cast of vibrant characters, each with their own backstory, abilities, and connections to the world’s magical forces.