Sama: Shop Safely from the Best International Brands!
Want to shop from the most popular international websites and brands without the hassle? Sama’s got your back! Shop for clothes, shoes, accessories, bags, and household products from the comfort of your home. Here's why Sama rocks:
Shop from Shein, Turkish brands, and other international stores with a unified, smooth shopping experience.
The only Iraqi app that provides cash on delivery service, so you can shop with peace of mind!
Sama translates Turkish websites into English and Arabic, making shopping even easier!
Full transparency on all prices with no hidden fees – what you see is what you pay!
Enjoy the best shipping rates and competitive prices across all stores.
New stores and websites are added regularly, giving you access to even more international products!
Track your order from the moment you place it to the moment it’s delivered to your doorstep!
The app is available in both Arabic and English for your convenience.
Your satisfaction is our priority, so we’re dedicated to providing outstanding customer service for a safe and unique shopping experience!