My Brother Rabbit is a heartwarming and visually captivating puzzle adventure game that takes players on an emotional journey through a fantastical world. The story revolves around a young girl and her sick brother, who uses his imagination to escape the harsh realities of illness by creating a magical world where anything is possible. In this beautiful, hand-drawn world, you play as the girl's companion, a plush rabbit, on a mission to help her brother through his struggles by solving intricate puzzles, unlocking secrets, and uncovering hidden elements of their story.
The game is filled with symbolic puzzles and hidden objects that represent emotional themes, such as hope, love, and recovery. As you navigate through this dreamlike world, you will experience moments of wonder and sorrow while helping the characters find comfort in each other during tough times. With its touching narrative, stunning artwork, and immersive gameplay, My Brother Rabbit is both a visual and emotional masterpiece.