Are you still struggling to find the right AA meeting? Worry no more! With the latest Meeting Guide app, you can easily find the nearest meeting spot! Over 150,000 AA meetings are updated daily, so no matter where you are, you can search for meetings by name or location and get the info you need. Say goodbye to missing important meetings!
But that's not all! The app now includes a Daily Reflections feature to keep your mind sharp wherever you are. Plus, the more accurate location feature ensures you get the local contact info you need to connect with like-minded individuals. The brand-new user interface is more streamlined, and the new menu bar and contact functions make navigation a breeze.
Brought to you by Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc., this app is completely free! We respect your privacy. If you choose to share your location, we only transmit your geographic coordinates while you're using the app, helping you find the nearest meeting spot. If you prefer not to share your location data, that's okay too—you can search by entering a location instead.
Don't worry, this app doesn't store your location or search information. Your privacy is absolutely safe here! No ad tracking, no unnecessary annoyances! Download it now and say goodbye to the hassle of finding meetings. Start your new life today!