"Experience unlimited access to movies and TV shows with the Vudu app. Whether you want to buy, stream, rent, or watch for free, Vudu has got you covered. Enjoy the freedom of watching your favorite movies and TV shows anytime, anywhere, on your phone or device of choice. No subscriptions or contracts required.
With Vudu, you can watch new releases and popular shows before they're available on other platforms. Stream in stunning 4K UHD with Dolby Vision HDR and Dolby Atmos audio on select devices, or watch thousands of titles for free with limited commercials on Vudu Movies on Us - now available on the Android TV app too.
Here are 7 reasons why you'll love Vudu:
1. Your phone becomes your entire movie library. With over 100,000 movies and shows, link your Disney Movies Anywhere account, and new content added regularly, you'll always have something to enjoy.
2. Watch on your own terms. Stream, rent, own, download for offline viewing - the choice is yours. You have full control over how you watch your favorite TV shows and movies.
3. Enjoy free movies. With Movies on Us, a Vudu exclusive, you can watch thousands of movies with limited commercials, without having to pay a cent.
4. Download and watch offline. Buying or renting a movie or TV show on Vudu allows you to download it directly to your phone. Enjoy your library offline without worrying about buffering or a weak Wi-Fi signal.
5. No subscription required. Pay only for the content you want to watch. No need to pay for a catalog of shows you're not interested in.
6. Convert physical copies to digital. Have a DVD or Blu-ray? Use our Disc to Digital feature to easily scan the UPC code and convert your physical copy into a digital format. Download and enjoy your movies offline.
7. Seamless integration with Google Chromecast. Don't limit yourself to your phone screen - cast your movies onto your TV for a bigger, more immersive experience.
Discover the world of movies and TV shows with the Vudu app. Experience the freedom, convenience, and quality of entertainment that only Vudu can provide."
I hope this helps! Let me know if you need any further assistance.