"In Star Wars Jedi: Survivor™, the gripping third-person action-adventure game, the story of Cal Kestis continues across the galaxy. Players once again take on the role of the young Jedi, continuing his legendary journey.
Set after 'Jedi: Fallen Order,' the galaxy remains in turmoil. Cal Kestis finds himself facing new threats, exploring unknown planets, and confronting the forces of the evil Empire. Players will feel the call of the Force at his back as they embark on a challenging and adventurous mission.
In the game, players control Cal Kestis, utilizing Jedi powers in combat, unlocking new skills, and facing enemies from various planets. Simultaneously, players will embark on exploration across vast planetary surfaces and deep underground caves, unraveling the deep secrets of the galaxy.
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor™ blends a compelling narrative, thrilling combat, and breathtaking interstellar landscapes, delivering a visual and gaming experience extravaganza. In this Star Wars saga, the fate of the Jedi depends on the player's judgment and courage. Are you ready to dive into the galactic fray? May the Force be with you!"