Barcode Lookup is more than just a barcode scanner! It’s your shopping assistant, instantly searching over a billion products to find prices, images, reviews, and descriptions—making shopping simpler and smarter!
Compare prices on the spot and discover the lowest price to buy online! Barcode Lookup gives you all the product details you need to save time, spend less, and fully understand every purchase you make.
Key features
Scan any barcode (UPC, EAN, ISBN, or GTIN) to get product details in seconds
Search for products by name using the handy search tab
Access product details, the best prices, and unbiased customer reviews
Save your favorite products and check your scan history anytime
Connect with over 10,000 online retailers to find the best deals
Share product details via email, SMS, or social media
Buy directly from your favorite online stores with just a few taps
We put useful product information at your fingertips so you can shop faster, smarter, and cheaper! Download this free app today and change the way you shop!